Ida Svenonius ist die Gründerin von becoming, einer Brand Impact Agentur, die Startups hilft ihre Wirkung zu vergrößern. Wir haben ihr fünf Fragen gestellt, wie becoming #NachhaltigkeitimUnternehmen definiert und heute schon lebt.
Gemeinsam mit PNZ haben wir die Interviewreihe #NachhaltigkeitimUnternehmen aufgesetzt. Unser Ziel ist es, das Thema Nachhaltigkeit greifbar zu machen und anhand von Beispielen aus anderen Unternehmen aufzuzeigen, wie #NachhaltigkeitimUnternehmen schon heute gelebt wird und jede:r selbst aktiv werden kann.

Can you describe your company in a maximum of 7 words?
We help purpose-driven startups use marketing for impact.
What does sustainability mean for you/your company?
If we think of the classic definition of sustainability, it is literally that: the ability to sustain. That means paying attention to both people, planet and profit. For people, we try to minimise the “hustle culture” of the startup world and create an environment where our people and clients can thrive. For the planet, we work with purpose-driven startups that want to run their business with net-positive impact. For profit, we only work with for-profit companies to turn them into role models, since that aspect of sustainability is so easily forgotten. We believe marketing is a crucial tool to help businesses survive and achieve greater impact. The hard truth is: without funds, you can’t sustain your mission..
What were the first concrete steps you took to make your company more sustainable?
The very first step was to settle on our mission to only work with purpose-driven companies - and to make that public. The second step was, and still is, to get more experienced people on board to help. You don’t have to master every element of sustainability yourself, if you find a community of like-minded people with a wide range of perspectives and skills.
Have you already had any successes? What has been your greatest success so far?
So far, our greatest success has been the growth of our freelance collaborator community. When it comes to marketing and branding, we have so many tools to choose from, and we have to be creative. It’s amazing to see what such a passionate group of impact-driven people from all across Europe and the world can achieve together, and how much we all care about helping impact startups succeed.
What is your top tip for other entrepreneurs to take the first step and get started??
Ask for help! If you don’t know where to start, you’re not alone. So many of us are passionate about exactly that: helping entrepreneurs with good intentions turn their ambitions into reality. Sustainability is first a strong intention, and then a team effort.
Thank you for the interview, Ida!
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