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InnoE, from business-as-usual to positive impact

InnoE’s journey towards sustainability is a great example of how a well established company can decide to step out of the traditional business mindset and pursue a #moonshot 🚀. The machine building enterprise decided to shift its business model from conventional machine engineering & designing to implementing energy efficiency, waste reduction and selecting only positive impact driven projects. 💪

But how did it work in practice?

With new investors joining the team in 2020, the company realised it was time for a change and decided to review its business model and strategy, taking sustainability as a building block for the future of the business. Thanks to the support in consulting of #TheGreenSpring, the company was able to redefine and transform its business model by clearly setting a new business vision & mission, with #sustainability deeply ingrained into the core of the business.

That practically meant choosing to focus their client selection on positive impact and sustainable oriented projects, such as regenerative or circular solutions.

Specifically in support of:

SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns promoting a circular economy.

An example of such can be found in their portfolio, where they have designed machines that are turning industry waste products like coconut husks or olive pits into biofuel or several improved energy saving machinery.

TheGreenSpring has helped InnoE throughout the business model transformation

Today, TheGreenSpring continues to support InnoE by reviewing and continuously improving its long term sustainability strategy, and is happy to see how the company is living its vision of developing automation for a sustainable future.

InnoE is the perfect example that proves that organisations can successfully reach a sustainable transition, starting from small feasible objectives and ultimately integrating sustainability to the core of the business model. 🔗🎋


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